FGV IIU operates with a Core Staff, engaging specific expertise, under temporary contracts, whenever needed. It also easily mobilizes other units and experts at FGV. Search by: Position: - Any -DirectorInternConsultants (Present and Past)The Core StaffFGV IIU International Representatives Director Renato G. Flôres Jr. renato.flores@fgv.br Consultants (Present and Past) Celso Amorim Regis Arslanian Renato Baumann José Botafogo Gonçalves Ruderico Pimentel The Core Staff Licia CastroAdministrative Assistantlicia.castro@fgv.br Felipe FalcãoInternfelipe.falcao@fgv.br Lucca HortaResearch Assistantlucca.horta@fgv.br Leonardo Paz NevesQualitative Analystleonardo.neves@fgv.br Jade VasconcellosResearch Assistantjade.vasconcellos@fgv.br FGV IIU International Representatives Christian Stoffaës Mario Telò ✝