
The IIU is headed by Renato Galvão Flôres Jr., primary founding member.

The Director

Main intellectual leader of the Unit, the Director is responsible for strategy as well as IIU operations and for the efficiency of the service, ensuring that all actions are consistent with its statutory functions.

The Director is the main negotiating partner in all projects and external activities.

The Director is appointed by, and is accountable to, the President of FGV.


The IIU also maintains a group of consultants with the purpose of contributing with their expertise in the core projects.

The Staff

The Staff is composed of people with different specialties and experiences, from judicial, communication to quantitative expertise, with exposure to and knowledge of the international realm.

Thanks to its diverse background, the IIU acts as a kick-off group for different kinds of pursuits. Notwithstanding, it holds a particular strength in matters related to geostrategy in general, particularly international trade and investment, regional integrations, sustainability, risk-analysis and related security issues.

FGV International Representants

The IIU also coordinates a network of international representatives of FGV. At present, one representant has been appointed in France and informal contacts have been established in Germany and Indonesia.