

  • Ambassador Celso Amorim

    started his diplomatic career in 1963, when he entered Instituto Rio Branco (The Brazilian Diplomatic Academy). He undertook post-graduate studies at The Diplomatic Academy of Vienna and at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). He was president of Embrafilme (Brazilian Film Corporation), ambassador in Geneva and in London, president of the United Nations Security Council, minister of Foreign Relations during the mandates of Presidents Itamar Franco and Lula da Silva, and Minister of Defence during the first mandate of President Dilma Rousseff, spending in total almost thirteen years in Cabinet posts.  He has received more than fifty Brazilian and foreign medals and decorations. He has written books and articles on subjects ranging from culture to international relations. His more recent works include Conversas com jovens diplomatas, 2011 (Conversations with young diplomats); Breves narrativas diplomáticas, 2013 (Brief diplomatic narratives); Teerã, Ramalá e Doha: memórias da política externa ativa e altiva, March 2015 (Tehran, Ramallah and Doha – Memories of an Active and Proud Foreign Policy).

  • Ambassador José Botafogo Gonçalves

    is a high level consultant to the International Intelligence Unit (IIU). He holds a Bachelor’s degree in political and legal sciences (PUC-RJ), and is trained in Economic Development Issues (CEPAL-1960). During the last 45 years, he has held numerous positions in the diplomatic arena, always related to economic and trade matters. He was Head of the Trade Policy Division of the MRE (Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs); Secretary for International Economic and Technical Cooperation of the Secretariat for Planning on behalf of the President; Vice-President for External Relations of the World Bank; Brazilian Consul General in Milan; Undersecretary General for Integration, Economic Affairs and Foreign Trade of the MRE; Minister for Industry, Trade and Tourism. He was sworn as Executive Secretary of the Chamber of Foreign Trade reporting to the Brazilian President, and appointed by President Cardoso as his special representative to MERCOSUR and Brazilian Ambassador to Argentina. Currently, he is Vice-Chairman Emeritus of the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI) and a member of the boards of FIESP, CNC and FCCE.