
Workshop - Formação Continuada para Jovens Atores Políticos

The International Intelligence Unit of Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV IIU), in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, is developing a training project of continuing education for young political actors.
The object of the project is, through workshops, train people who are new public policy operators in a set of the following strategic tools:

i. Characteristics and Evaluations of Public Policies
ii. Interpretation and Statistics, Database and Data Processing
iii. Mapping and Access to Project Financing
iv. Emerging Technologies and their Applied Tools

The workshops will be held in July and August, at FGV's headquarters, according to the file "Workshop Programme and logistics" below.

>>> The participating students must, at the end of the four workshops, prepare a final project that contemplate the combination of the technical content seen.
