Jean Monnet Atlantic Network 2.0
The Jean Monnet Atlantic Network 2.0 pursues work that has been conducted for more than five years, under the auspices of the European Union (EU) under its Erasmus+ Programme. The Atlantic Basin stands as a central arena of globalisation and a microcosm of key global trends. This includes the diffusion and share of power by the two nowadays hegemons -from East and West- and the EU, as a more constructive ally, strengthening good practices and governance modes, instead of only aiming at sheer economic interests: its Atlantic interdependencies must more than ever be deepened.
With the experience of having participated, as consortium member, of the Atlantic Future Project and, as the network head, in the Jean Monnet Network in Atlantic Studies, successfully concluded in December 2019, FGV IIU co-ordinates this new project that incorporates the lessons from these former ventures. But the Jean Monnet Atlantic Network 2.0 is at the same time a continuation and a rupture with these previous undertakings.
It is a small network, with six members that keep intense communication and joint activities. Though still tackling themes broadly related to those recently explored -energy and sustainability; trade and related economic issues, from an Atlantic perspective; inequality and its impact on the region’s societies, notably including democracy, social stability and security- emphasis combines a national perspective with the regional one, taking into account the foreign interests and the possible EU roles.
Rather than the mere pursuit of academic research, active engagement of the Network with policymakers, civil society representatives and the wider public is envisaged. Among varied activities to be part of the deliverables, a main feature is the holding of six meetings, with all network representatives, in which all three themes will be addressed. The meetings are supposed to generate an evolving dialogue, creating externalities in different groups and establishing a follow-up of select main questions, that could act as a threading line along the project. All network members participate, in principle, in all themes, avoiding “idle periods” and “partial commitments” within the network.
The Network’s balanced EU/non-EU composition ensures greater synergies and exchanges of experience, enhanced by the incorporation of local colours, in order to engage more segments of researchers and society. Dedicated sessions may be held for students and next-generation professionals, as in the previous Networks’ meetings, but, given the new, less academic and more open-debate character of the Project, they can also be directly involved in activities themselves.
Project Website: https://www.jmatlanticnetwork2.com/